So maybe these pictures are a little weird...but I'm in a reminiscent mood. You see, I turned in my application to the Nursing Department today. This is a big step for me it seems. My future is not so in the future anymore...I am living my future. Weird thought.... Anyway, the these pics are of a necklace that my aunt gave me when I was just a little girl. Back when I said I want to be a nurse when I grow up...I love this necklace-and keep it right above my desk so I never forget my end goal-nor those who have supported me...
When I graduated from highschool-a close family friend gave me this pink stethoscope. No doubt my favorite present EvEr...
It was amazing today to sit and reflect over what all God has done to get me to this point. Who knew that I would be where I am today five years ago? Back then I wanted to cook. :D But God knew. And he knows where I will be in five years too. How comforting is that?
So-here I stand-officially applied to the Liberty University Nursing Program~
Sigh. Relief.
ABI VAN KAMPEN!! You have a blog??? Oh man -- I'm so going to start following you...
ReplyDeleteYou know what?? I spend way to much time on blogspot -- you should SEE my blogroll -- it's HUGE!! (Most of them have to do with the Pens, but either way...)
I miss you kiddo. When's your springbreak??